Apollo Has Been Busy!

We've had a very busy couple of weeks with Apollo. I'm loving being active in the PTL and Lilli loves me being at her school so much but I feel like I've been going non-stop between volunteering and starting a business. It started a couple of weeks ago with the Chuck E. Cheese fundraiser night. No one WANTS to go there (except the kids of course) but what a great way to support the PTL. 

And I'm pretty sure these kids think we made the right decision. Then last week was volunteering during book fair. Yaya came to keep Katie while I worked and brought her up to eat lunch with Lilli and shop.

Earlier this week was National Walk to School Day and Apollo had parents meet in the neighborhood next to it to walk in groups together.

Lillian was also class "Superstar" this week

And I think she's a superstar too! She tested in to the talented theatre program. She'll be pulled out of class once a week for an hour to work with a coach to enhance these skills. 
And to top off our week, today was the first popcorn and pickle. I had both girls at school with me at 7AM to start popping 500 bags of popcorn and wrap 250 pickles. Luckily my helpers arrived about 8:30 and we got it done. 

The teachers also had a special lunch to celebrate the end of the 1st 9 weeks and start of fall break so I covered their lunch duty too. After 6.5 hours, I was exhausted and ready to be in my pjs! Katie was too. One of the First Friends teachers picked her up and took her to school but she had still been up since 5:30. I didn't even ask her to nap :) 

But Lilli's excitement over having her Mama at school makes it all worth it. That, and the $1000 we raised for the PTL today! But what did I get myself into? This fundraiser is once a month! 


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