We've Been Halloweening
Ok, I know that "Halloweening" isn't technically a word but that's what we've been doing this weekend! It started Saturday morning with Apollo's fall fest
We picked up Aubrey and brought her with us to give Tiffany and Cameron a little bit of a break (well as much of a break as still having 3 kids is;) It was fun and the best part was I signed up to volunteer but they had so many Airline Beta Club volunteers they didn't need me.
Her Mom had EVERY inch of that house decorated and everyone had a great time. The adults sat inside and talked while the kids ran around outside for hours.
Lilli did one all by herself for the first time. (The one on the left) and I think she did a great job!
We went with the Kittlers and they are always fun. Lots of games, a costume contest and trick or treating had the kids feeling like we'd finished out a great Halloween weekend. And we topped it all of with a Birthday dinner for Tiffany at Silverstar.
What a busy but fun weekend! I need a day off after it though! But no rest this week! More training. I'm very hopeful I'll be writing an offer from today's showings. And then popcorn and pickle and helping to divide fundraiser orders Friday. ;)
We picked up Aubrey and brought her with us to give Tiffany and Cameron a little bit of a break (well as much of a break as still having 3 kids is;) It was fun and the best part was I signed up to volunteer but they had so many Airline Beta Club volunteers they didn't need me.
Then Saturday night we went to a Halloween party at the Garcias house (Britney's family)
Her Mom had EVERY inch of that house decorated and everyone had a great time. The adults sat inside and talked while the kids ran around outside for hours.
Matt had the girls all day while I worked and they got in some pumpkin carving.
Lilli did one all by herself for the first time. (The one on the left) and I think she did a great job!
And then after my showings and open house, it was Asbury's Trunk or Treat
We went with the Kittlers and they are always fun. Lots of games, a costume contest and trick or treating had the kids feeling like we'd finished out a great Halloween weekend. And we topped it all of with a Birthday dinner for Tiffany at Silverstar.
What a busy but fun weekend! I need a day off after it though! But no rest this week! More training. I'm very hopeful I'll be writing an offer from today's showings. And then popcorn and pickle and helping to divide fundraiser orders Friday. ;)
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