Snowy Day and the Theatre

We made a REALLY quick trip to Baton Rouge to see Jennifer in her debut performance with Theatre Baton Rouge in their production of A Christmas Carol. We left the house at 6:45 on Saturday and by 6:45 Sunday we were pulling out of Pops' driveway to make it home to an open house. It was a tiring trip but I'm so glad we went. I wish we could've gone Thursday to see all the snow that Baton Rouge got overnight. I woke up to pictures from my dad and Janet of a beautiful scene.

By the time we got there 24 hours later the snowman didn't look as cute. But the girls were still excited to see some snow and throw a few snowballs.

There was even a surprise visit from Santa on the firetruck throwing candy through their neighborhood. I love living in a smaller town and don't miss Baton Rouge one bit (except the family that lives there) but sometimes some of the fun things that happen in the bigger cities are really exciting to the kids.

We did some playing at Jen's, went to Nana's house for wine and cheese before the show, and then at 7 o'clock it was time for the reason we went.

The show was excellent and I'm glad that Katie interrupted the preview to walk up to Jen to give her a hug. Because that was the only time she saw her that night. It started at 7:30 and by 7:45 she was out! :)

I loved their interpretation of the story and the cast did a great job. It was so neat to see her up on stage and I hope she does another one.

Anna is mad that I would not let her come spend the night. And if you're wondering who this cute blonde next to Daniel is, well, that's his first real girlfriend. Pretty serious for a freshman- it's been about six or seven months. Her name is Grace and she is very sweet. She had met Anna, and all 4 parents, but this was her first time to meet Piper and the extended family. I have a feeling we will be seeing her for a while. 


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