Birthday, Brunch and Baseball

We had a jam packed weekend in Baton Rouge that started with a birthday dinner at Pops and Honey’s for me. 

It was almost a week early but we’ve made it our tradition to celebrate at the same time as our annual Race for the Cure walk. So nice for so many members of our family to be together and I especially appreciate the ones that travel so far. We decided to make it more low key this year. We didn’t form a team or fundraise but the family did get together and walk. It’s obviously a good cause that we all still donate to but we’re looking for a new cause to support in my Mom’s name that would have been closer to her heart.

We decided to keep it just family at the walk but went to the Londoner for brunch after and some of the “Beck side of the family” met us there. These are family friends from forever. The people who met us are the kids of the person that introduced Nana and Papa over 60 years ago. And then they all grew up with my parents and aunts and uncles. So cool. 

It was a coincidence that they were in town but Rick’s son Matthew is the relief pitcher for LSU so of course we had to go to the game and watch him pitch. We met for dinner before and then to Alex Box Stadium. It was the first game I’d gone to since I was a kid and our girls have never been in any college stadium before. I was shocked the kids made it the whole time but they had as much fun as we did. (Mostly- Katie was ready to go about the 7th inning but she was the only one so she stuck it out)

It was a busy weekend but not rushed so still very nice. I love the time spent with family! But by this morning we were ready to get home so we left fairly early. We needed to get ready for the week and have some down time. It was a beautiful afternoon so we decided to enjoy our first crawfish of the season. 

I love our travels but right here with just the 4 of us is the best place I can be! 


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