Back to Houston

I mentioned the last couple of posts that Matt got pretty sick right after Easter with a high fever. He went to the doctor that Monday and got on a 10 day course of antibiotics and the fever went down during the time. But the day after it ended the fever was right back. He went back to the doctor last Friday and that afternoon we got a call that he needed to go straight to the ER because his white count was 30,000 (and normal is 4,000.) He had blood work, CTs, a spinal tap... they worked him over. We went in thinking we may be there one night and now five days later we are really just getting started. He’s in an ambulance as I write this on the way to Houston Methodist. It took us several days to get a bed down there but he is finally being transferred and we will hopefully be starting the healing process.

According to the doctors here in Shreveport he has something called endocarditis caused by a staph infection in his blood. There’s really no way to know where it came from but it takes IV antibiotics to clear and can be very serious. His defibrillator has been compromised so the only way to clear his blood is for it to come out. That’s the reason for the transfer. The removal is a delicate procedure and he wanted to go back to the doctor that put it in. He will probably be there a week or better and will then come home to 6 weeks of IV antibiotics with home health. It’s definitely going to be a long road but I’m so thankful we went when we did and that it won’t be as hard of a recovery as the last time he was a Houston Methodist patient. 

I’ve been spending the days with him and the evenings with the girls but Dad and I will be traveling to Houston tomorrow and Yaya will be meeting us as well. I’m so thankful for everyone that has helped with the kids in the last five days. When we got the call from the doctor Friday Yaya jumped up and was at our house in less than an hour. Josh and Hailey had them Saturday so that she could come. My dad was here by Sunday and then Tuesday Nana and GranJan got here too. 

It definitely takes a village and they will be well cared for. I will be back Tuesday to register Katie for kindergarten Wednesday, be here for her birthday Thursday, and go to Lillian’s spring fling on Friday. We definitely hope he is home by then but if not I will be back in Houston Friday with someone else keeping the girls. It will be a whirlwind week or so but we will get through it and come out on the other side. Just like we always do.


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