
Happy 5th Birthday KatieJane! You are the sweetest, funniest 5 year old I know and you light up my life! The day started pretty low key with the 3 of us girls waking up EARLY (pics were taken at 5:37- so before that) to decorations, donuts and presents. 

Dad hated he missed that but he called early. I had a pretty good idea that he was going to be coming home today but I didn’t tell you that until he was in the car. So your morning was pretty normal with school so I could get ready for him but I did send cupcakes to share with your friends. After school it was Toys R Us to spend some birthday money 

And while we were there we got the official word that Daddy was on his way home! 

(Screenshot from the video of me telling you)

He had been away almost 2 fulls weeks and I don’t think y’all have ever been apart that long. You are definitely Daddy’s little girl so to say you were excited is an understatement! You had been asking for a month to go to Chuck E. Cheese on your birthday but you didn’t even have to think about whether you wanted to stay home for more time with Daddy. I always like to take you girls somewhere fun for your birthday so we’ll have a redo next week but you definitely didn’t mind. 

You told GranJan and Nana he was all you wanted for your birthday. I’m so happy you got your wish! 


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