Bye Cousins

All 4 girls had to tag along with me while I showed some houses this evening since Matt wasn’t home yet. From there we decided to stop at TaMolly’s for a farewell dinner because Jen and Ryan got in about 7:00 to pick them up to head home. (They were here loading the car when we pulled in from dinner) Their original plan was to stop in Dallas at their friends house and come tomorrow but they were ready to get home and I don’t blame them. 10 days is a long time to be gone! The girls had mixed emotions. They were all sad to say goodbye but Anna and Lilli were ready to go back to normal. Piper asked if she could stay and Katie definitely wanted her to. I was very happy to have them and the 10 days really went well. It passed quickly with very little arguing and the girls were respectful and sweet the whole time. But I am ready to have my house back to normal too. Plus it helps that we will see them in just a little over 2 weeks when we go to Michaelyn and Rick’s. Cousin Camp 2018 was a success! 


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