Country Cooking

We had our annual weekend at the camp to work in the garden and get some fruits and veggies cooked and put away. We didn’t get nearly as much as we hoped but still really enjoyed our day and I’m so excited to test out some of these with our meals. We started last night by picking some of the squash, eggplant and tomatoes and Matt got those fried with fish for dinner and I brought the rest home. One of my favorite things each year is the southern squash casserole that is on the menu tomorrow night! This morning we were up early to beat the heat but first made a stop by the sunflower field for a quick picture. We have several of Lilli when she was little but this is the first of Katie. 

My sweet husband picked some for me to take home. Aren’t they beautiful?

We picked peas and shelled them and then stopped by the peach tree. They aren’t fully ripe yet but I’m really hoping I can ripen them here and can some plus make a fresh peach cobbler. 

The corn was a whole other project. It was bought from a local farmer and it’s so good. We get it every year but the problem is we don’t eat that much corn on the cob. We decided to save some of it on the cob but made homemade creamed corn with the rest. An easy side to heat up quickly. 

This was mostly Matt’s project. He cut it all off the cob and combined a few recipes to make his own. Here’s what we did so we have it for next year. 
Creamed corn:
20 cups corn (12 cup mash- 8 cup cut)- (about 54 ears)
Bring to simmer in large pot and add:
2 sticks butter
1.5 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup sugar 
2 large onion
4 jalapeño 
Salt and pepper to taste 

We’ve only tasted it but trust me, it’s so good! The girls wanted to ride down the hill (KatieJane’s first time on her own) so Matt took them while I offered to clean up. That beautiful sunflower bouquet was made even better when they returned. 

Matt said they spent so much time picking just the right ones. I love my sweet family! And I love what a special place this is to make these memories. 


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