The Last Day

Today is day 11 of “Cousin Camp” and I honestly have mixed emotions. I love my neices and thoroughly enjoy having them here. And if we had a bigger house, I’d probably let them stay all summer! (Matt May not agree, lol) They say they don’t want to go but I know they’ll be happy to be home once they get there. Anna babysat a couple times while I went to work. Two of those times were just an hour but she really helped out today while I was gone for 3 to a closing. It also really helped that is was VBS week and they were at the church 8:30-12:00 too. 

We mostly stayed at the house after (didn’t even swim because Anna got an ear infection) but we did go celebrate Landry’s birthday with her at the skating rink and came to Altitude again this evening for some last night fun. 

We’ll go straight from the church to Alexandria to meet Jen and Janice (I have Andrew tonight while she is in Alexandria planning her 50th high school reunion- Kelly is in Israel) for them to get the rest of the way home. I fully expect some tears but it will be nice when we have a few days just the 4 of us next week too. Until next year...


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