
Showing posts from July, 2019

Summer Is Winding Down

It feels like it just started but we’re already starting to wind down this summer and gear up for back to school. Supplies, uniforms and backpacks have been bought but that doesn’t mean we’re ready. We’re trying to make the most of this last 12 days. Yesterday we went to Khrista’s for haircuts and to play with her new kittens.  I was hoping she’d have a trick for this kool-aid hair dye but nothing immediate. We will be washing with Dawn the next couple of weeks to see if that gets it out before school. Oh well, it was fun!  When we got done there we picked up Shaleigh for a sleepover and went to Terri’s for the evening.  We have really enjoyed having a pool we can go to whenever we want. I’m sure we will join again next year.  And this morning Britney and Bella were dropped off for an all day play date. We went to the park where we also met Noah, Landry, Bridget, Lily, and Cara and  Josie. And then after lunch we went to Christy‘s pool for a bit until everyone g...

Happy Birthday Matt!!

I’m a day late on this post but I think Matt had a good birthday yesterday. It was a relatively lazy day hanging out with his girls and followed up with Raegan coming so we could have a date night. But of course we had to sing and have cake before we left!  It may be his birthday but this was really for the girls benefit. I don’t think he even ate any. You can see the love in those eyes as the song was going on though. Sweetest thing ever! ❤️

Cousin Camp Round 2

The McCormick cousins came from Plano and we had another super fun week at our house. They got here Sunday so that Austin and Lilli could go to Aquarium camp and Josey and Katie got to play.  The only problem with that was she was still feeling pretty awful at the beginning of the week so the other 3 did most of the playing and I don’t think Josey thought Katie was too much fun that day .  So Tuesday I took her to Hailey to play with Case and Lane and that was better! We met up with them at the pool that evening (Katie watched) but she decided to spend the night with her too. She and Lane are best buds.  We met back up with them Wednesday for a movie and she came back with us because Hailey and the boys were going out of town today. But Katie had gotten some rest and was starting to perk up so it was better. After we picked up the campers we got yogurt and went to play at the park.  (KJ couldn’t get in the water and was getting tired so Matt came to pick her up in th...

We’re Going To Make It

Days 2 and 3 of tonsil recovery weren’t as smooth as the 1st. She still did great but didn’t eat as well and ran a low grade temp plus there were a few more tears over the pain. She actually slept till 10:00 today which is crazy! She has the sweetest little friend that came down today to keep her company too. I was worried she’d do too much when she asked but Landry came down and they pretty much watched movies quietly all day.  It was perfect timing because she’s going stir crazy and Lillian was gone to Art Workz gourd camp and for a play date with Shaleigh.  I was running around to doctors appointments and working all day so having Pops to run Lilli around and Nana to be here with the little girls was super helpful! They have to go tomorrow and we’re really going to miss them but I’m going to try to take the next couple days off as much as I can. And hopefully by next week we can be cleared for summer fun! School starts 4 weeks from today! 😳

Tonsils are Out!

After 7 rounds of strep in 10 months we decided it was time for tonsils to come out. I was dreading putting her through it but I know it’ll be good in the long run. Matt, Pops and I had her at the surgery center at 5:45 yesterday morning and by 7:45 they were done and we were in recovery with her. Tonsils actually weren’t too bad but her adenoids were huge. There were some tears (mine and hers;) as she was waking up from anesthesia but she’s been great since we got home.  We alternated ibuprofen and Tylenol every 3 hours so pain was managed. She ate 4 ice creams, a fudgsicle, miso soup, grits, yogurt... I was really impressed. We literally had to hold Lilli down to get her to even take meds the first day. She didn’t sleep great but I’m hoping she naps today and continues to get better and better.  We’ve had lots of doc appointments lately. I was at the pediatrician with Lilli Sunday morning with fever and a sore throat. Turns out just a cold but she’s resting this week with Ka...

The fun continues

After 12 days of company these girls are worn out but the fun continues... We dropped the cousins Friday afternoon with Jen and Ryan in Alexandria and were home about 5:00. Poor KJ was especially tired because she had to miss that last day of VBS to go to the doc instead and was diagnosed with her 7th round of strep in 10 months! Good thing those tonsils are about to come out.  We got some rest that night but Saturday morning we were up and meeting Yaya for them to go stay with her and Capn for 3 nights while Matt and I came to Houston for a visit with Shanon and Alex and his yearly check-ups. You know they want to do it all. There’s been swimming, boat rides, 4 wheeler rides, crafts... and lots  of sleep.  This was at 8:00 this morning! I’m glad they are having fun but I sure do miss them. I’m pretty sure these are the first nights apart in a year. Much needed for everyone. We’re hoping our hotel stay tonight can also be a date night since it’s our first time here not re...