Tonsils are Out!

After 7 rounds of strep in 10 months we decided it was time for tonsils to come out. I was dreading putting her through it but I know it’ll be good in the long run. Matt, Pops and I had her at the surgery center at 5:45 yesterday morning and by 7:45 they were done and we were in recovery with her. Tonsils actually weren’t too bad but her adenoids were huge. There were some tears (mine and hers;) as she was waking up from anesthesia but she’s been great since we got home. 

We alternated ibuprofen and Tylenol every 3 hours so pain was managed. She ate 4 ice creams, a fudgsicle, miso soup, grits, yogurt... I was really impressed. We literally had to hold Lilli down to get her to even take meds the first day. She didn’t sleep great but I’m hoping she naps today and continues to get better and better. 

We’ve had lots of doc appointments lately. I was at the pediatrician with Lilli Sunday morning with fever and a sore throat. Turns out just a cold but she’s resting this week with Katie. Last week we were in Houston for Matt’s check up and he has to go back next week for tests. The girls had a great time staying with Yaya and Capn while we were in Houston. The lake house in the Summer is so fun! 

We went back for the day for the 4th of July too. It was a nice day full of pool fun. I think we were there 5 or 6 hours and the kids literally only got out long enough to eat a sandwich. So thankful for Yaya and Capn letting us come play. It was the perfect place for pool fun before KJ is laid up for 2 weeks. We’ll be back as soon as she can! 


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