The fun continues

After 12 days of company these girls are worn out but the fun continues...

We dropped the cousins Friday afternoon with Jen and Ryan in Alexandria and were home about 5:00. Poor KJ was especially tired because she had to miss that last day of VBS to go to the doc instead and was diagnosed with her 7th round of strep in 10 months! Good thing those tonsils are about to come out. 

We got some rest that night but Saturday morning we were up and meeting Yaya for them to go stay with her and Capn for 3 nights while Matt and I came to Houston for a visit with Shanon and Alex and his yearly check-ups.

You know they want to do it all. There’s been swimming, boat rides, 4 wheeler rides, crafts... and lots  of sleep. 

This was at 8:00 this morning! I’m glad they are having fun but I sure do miss them. I’m pretty sure these are the first nights apart in a year. Much needed for everyone. We’re hoping our hotel stay tonight can also be a date night since it’s our first time here not really worried about something. But I’ll be glad to see them tomorrow! 


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