Happy Valentines Day!!

I’m not really big in to Valentines Day but I do think it’s an excellent excuse to do a little extra to show the people that you love how much you care. The girls woke up this morning to some treats from me and Matt. A stuffed animal, a card, candy and some littlest pet shop figures to paint yourself. And Santa even sent Coco down for a day because he promised she’d get to visit on a few special occasions throughout the year! 

Matt walked in after work with flowers (big bouquet for me- single stem for each of the kids) and chocolate covered strawberries. The kids didn’t have parties at school (first time Apollo didn’t since we’ve been there-only 1 party this year) but they all did exchange Valentines. Lillian got a stuffed animal from the same boy for the 2nd year in a row. They aren’t even in the same class but still friends and he obviously has a crush. It’s not reciprocated but he doesn’t even mind and I think it’s sweet. Today was Katie’s book fair so I went to the school for a couple of hours to help out and shop with her. She had free dress, book fair, valentine day, I sent a snack and she was student of the week and got to have the class stuffed animal since last Friday. She was just a “little” excited.  I’d already been on Wednesday with Lillian and I love that they still get excited to see me there. 

And not related at all but I wanted to share Lillian’s latest art. 

She drew the dragon/name one freehand on a piece of cardboard that came with a TV we got a few months ago. It took her several months to complete it but we’re going to try to have it framed. The other is one she did at art that’s already in a frame. That makes three framed pieces and a sculpture of hers in my living room plus she has a ton in her room. There was one that Hailey and Yaya were both surprised she had done! We really love this class.


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