Dove Hunting With Daddy

Katie running through the field yelling “got ‘em!” is one of those things Matt will probably remember for the rest of his life. He and the girls had the best time at the deer camp this weekend and I know they made memories they will never forget. 

They were up at 5:00 both mornings and spent about 8 hours in the field between the 2 days and the girls were troopers. I know it got hot at times and the hunt was a little slower than he had hoped but there were no complaints. And they told me they loved being with their Daddy. 
(No electronics in the dove field- books only) 
After the Saturday morning hunt they went for a long 4-Wheeler ride to put out deer corn/set up cameras and Austin went too. Then they had down time at Log Cabin before going back to big house to (socially distant) play with cousins (everyone but Josey was there- she was having a “girls weekend” with Mom in Plano) before their evening hunt. And this morning they were the only ones back out to see today’s beautiful sunrise before meeting me in Plain Dealing to bring the kids back and give Matt his day to himself. He’ll be back to hang by the pool and grill for Labor Day tomorrow and the girls needed the rest! KJ was asleep by 6:45 and Lillian voluntarily went to bed at 8:30 even though we let her stay up till 10:00 on the weekends. It was a great weekend for everyone and a whole new world for me now that they are old enough to go with Matt without me. I’m looking forward to being up there too when the weather is cooler. 


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