Getting it Figured Out

We have officially completed 18 days of school and I feel like we are finally starting to get this figured out. The girls did not like the Abeka video teachers so we have switched to “parent led” as of this week. It was too fast for Lillian and they also just needed interaction. Lilli may not be little anymore but Katie still is and I would catch her staring at the wall instead of really paying attention and she was constantly pausing it. (Not getting nearly as much out of it as she would if she was engaged) So with me teaching we can be more hands-on and I can catch the things they are not grasping right away instead of as I’m going over the worksheets. And I’m trying to make it fun. School will inevitably sometimes be boring but Katie and I have used cheez-its as counters in math. (That she ate as we subtracted) Used LOl dolls to act out word problems. And they both LOVE working on the white board. Lilli’s math may not be able to use toys but she and I have done a lot of laughing. (Some tears too but she got an A on the Friday quiz so I know I’m doing something right) That means MUCH more work for me but that’s ok if that’s what is going to help them learn the best. 

I bought all of the lesson plans in case there were some subjects I wanted to teach myself so I do have all the resources. But it still means organizing the week and printing out all the extra visuals. Plus sitting there all day instead of working or doing things around the house while they learn. We may flip back-and-forth between videos on some lessons that need extra instruction but for a “trial week” it went well and we will continue for now.

Yaya came over Tuesday for lunch, to hear about school, and she also brought some things for the front porch and a couple of presents for the kids. One was a soap making kit and Katie and I had a lot of fun doing that.
And then that afternoon we met the cousins for car ice cream at Sonic in Blanchard. 

And now today I REALLY don’t know what to do with myself because BOTH girls are at the camp with Matt for the start of dove season tomorrow. 

He’s taken them for a night before and of course they’ve gone other places to where Matt and I have had more than one night alone. But I don’t think I have had two nights, in a row, all by myself since Lillian was born. 😳 My plan is to do a whole lot of nothing! Lillian’s guess is that I would watch a lot of movies and eat a lot of popcorn and she is probably right. 😉 Happy Hunting Season! 


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