1st Quarter Complete

Back to school today after a nice week off. I’ve always known teachers deserve the break but I can definitely appreciate it even more now. And I only have two kids and only work half a day! But of course when I finish teaching I switch to real estate so it was nice to only have one last week. I got grades together yesterday and was happy with what I saw. Straight A’s for both! (I am using the 10 point scale so it would have been two B’s for Lil with the grading at public school, but I like that Abeka does this for elementary-and still great anyway!) Matt said he was proud of all 3 of us and it made him feel better that they are getting what they need this year. They each got to spend a few dollars in Roblox (the game they play with their cousins every night) as a reward.

I also have to introduce the newest member of our family. He wasn’t a reward over grades but the timing worked out on that so we’ll go with it. 😊
Meet “Puff” the bearded dragon. Luke had gotten him for Daniel last year and of course he left for school a couple of months ago. So he became Anna’s who really didn’t care anything about him. I’m a sucker for pets that need more care (it’s how we ended up with the cat and the turtle too 🤦‍♀️) so Lillian convinced me that he needed to come home from Baton Rouge with us. I took her to Petsmart this morning to spend her allowance that she’d been saving on upgrading his cage. 
He’ll definitely be happier here and she’s one happy kid. He never got attention before and he even got to go to school today. 😉 I know it’s probably the last thing we needed but I must admit he’s pretty cool. 



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