17 Years

Yesterday was 17 years and we had a nice day to celebrate. We both had a massage, came home and took a nap and then went out to a good dinner. Our original plan was for the girls to be with Yaya and Capn, but Lillian woke up with a sore throat and low grade temp and we didn’t want to potentially expose them to anything. I’m not gonna lie, I may have cried a little. It’s been four or five months since we had a night alone and, with hunting season starting, it will be 6 more before we have another chance. But it was a good day anyway. And Lilli’s text was pretty funny 

Plus, it was a milestone night because we left them alone. I’ve run errands and things during the day plenty of times, but this was the first time we’d left in the evening just for fun. It will open up a whole new world! So even though it wasn’t the night we originally planned, we had a good time. And there’s no one else I’d want to spend 17 years (and many more) with. 


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