Well That Didn’t Take Long

After a very lazy summer of (admittedly) too much screen time and not too many plans other than pool time or friends, we jumped in to the busy school year quickly. It’s been an adjustment to say the least. I’ve officially finished my first week of work and I worked 37 hour, plus homeschooled Katie, kept up the house and ran the kids around every evening. Mama is tired! 

The hours should  be closer to 25 to 30 on an average week (that was a lot of playing catch-up from what the previous transaction coordinator did not get done) but now that Lillian is in softball, we don’t get home before 8:45 any night. And with school and general house stuff, it’s a schedule I have not have to have in years. But we will adjust. Kathleen’s school is going well so far, I do the “teaching” part on MWF, and TTh is study, journal, read, etc. Things she can do more or less on her own at the office. Lillian seems to like school too. She doesn’t love all of her teachers but she’s had her first quizzes and still has 100% in her classes. I think we’ll have a great year!

Last weekend was probably some of the craziest time. Christy and I had planned to have Landry come in town to visit before she started school this week. It had been planned for weeks but that was before I knew I was going to be starting a job last Friday that had 15 files I needed to go through over the weekend. 🤪 But I made it work, we met in Tyler on Friday and Sunday and she and Katie had the best weekend. Saturday was a big sleepover that included Britney and Sadie 

But Matt and Lillian decided they didn’t need that craziness and went to the camp to get ready for hunting season 

That’s coming up quickly! And she is excited. 


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