I Did It Again
I said last time that I tried to not let two weeks pass without a post, and here I go doing it again. This time it’s not because we haven’t had anything going on, it’s because we have been busier in the last few weeks than we have probably ever. Lilli had her first softball game on the 6th and we have joined the rest of the ball parents in the world with our crazy schedule. She has games Tuesday/Thursday- practice Monday/Friday- and a private lesson on Wednesdays. Five days a week- it’s exhausting but she loves it! She says it ranks right up there with hunting and she still has the goal of the school team next year. Her private instructor said if she’ll commit to it, she can get her on that team next spring. We will see! But it’s amazing how much she’s progressed in just 4 games. She had her first game hit this past Thursday. She may have been out at first, but it was an RBI!

Pops drove up that day to watch Katie’s gymnastics class and go to a game and it was a good one for him to see.

Matt ran fever for a full 13 days from Covid. He also had a bacterial infection so finally got better after about four days on an antibiotic. He and Lillian are in heaven this weekend now that they finally got to hunt. You know he was sick to miss the first two of the season! Shanon came up this weekend too so I’m glad everyone is well and able to “play.”

Katie and I didn’t go hang out because she had a gymnastics team pool party. Apparently this one family does it every year and it was good to meet some moms and for them to hang out with some of the girls. Only about half were there but it was a good turn out
Sadie Stinson came home with us for a spa and movie night. These two have been spending so much time together and really seem to have fun!
I’m glad we’ve all been able to have a nice weekend before the craziness starts up again on Monday!
Pops drove up that day to watch Katie’s gymnastics class and go to a game and it was a good one for him to see.
Miss Kathleen and I have been trying to juggle school with my work and it is proving more difficult than I originally thought. We get it done, but we are constantly interrupted by calls or me needing to send an Email, so I’m looking into possible video lessons for a few of the core subjects. I did the free trial to start next week and we’ll see how it goes before we commit, but it will be great for the days we have to go to the office. I think it might actually work out well because I can still teach, but it’ll allow her to do more on her own too. One of the benefits of homeschooling is to not work until 3 o’clock every day, and we have not been able to do that which is no fun for anyone. It doesn’t leave as much time for playing with chickens and going to lunch with Yaya!. 😉
Matt ran fever for a full 13 days from Covid. He also had a bacterial infection so finally got better after about four days on an antibiotic. He and Lillian are in heaven this weekend now that they finally got to hunt. You know he was sick to miss the first two of the season! Shanon came up this weekend too so I’m glad everyone is well and able to “play.”
Katie and I didn’t go hang out because she had a gymnastics team pool party. Apparently this one family does it every year and it was good to meet some moms and for them to hang out with some of the girls. Only about half were there but it was a good turn out
Sadie Stinson came home with us for a spa and movie night. These two have been spending so much time together and really seem to have fun!
I’m glad we’ve all been able to have a nice weekend before the craziness starts up again on Monday!
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