Life Catch Up
I haven’t posted in over 2 weeks and I usually try not to go that long. It’s because we really haven’t had anything going on other than sickness in this house. Lillian missed school the Monday and Tuesday after our anniversary with some unknown virus. Fever, sore throat, stuffiness- but Covid and strep were negative. On that Thursday, Katie told me she had a sore throat and her ear was hurting really bad. I figured it was the same virus that Lillian had, but it sounded like she also had an ear infection, so I decided to take her to the doctor for an antibiotic. Little did we know she also had Covid! She wasn’t even that sick when I took her in, but by that Friday, Saturday, and Sunday she ran a fever of over 102. (We even retested Lil because we thought it was just too early when she went, but still negative) It was incredibly disappointing because my uncle Roy passed away the week before and the funeral was that Saturday. We were not able to go and support the family, but I was very glad they tested her and we didn’t expose everyone.
I caught Lilli’s cold that weekend but all of my Covid tests were negative too. So by the following week, we were ready to get out and went out to eat and watched a band after softball practice. That was probably our fun highlight. 😉

But we are glad he is getting better without needing to go to the doctor. Katie was a good little nurse and stayed home with him on the days I went to work. And all of the animals have not minded that there’s been someone here at all times the last two weeks. We did have a tragedy with the chickens though. We were starting to get them acclimated to going outside, because it is almost time, and we lost two to a hawk in the few hours they were out there. Our neighbors have let their’s free range during the day for over a year and never had an issue, and we were checking on them every 30 minutes. Just our luck and we are now working on a cover to the chicken yard.
We lost the two black ones. (Dolly and Eileen) but today, Matt was feeling a little stir crazy and decided to ride up to the camp to check his cameras, and the girls and I decided to go shopping. Lillian wanted some new clothes and we had to stop by tractor supply for brooder bedding. We had no plans for more babies yet, but they were too cute so we came home with Shania and Miranda
Here we go again!! 🤣
I caught Lilli’s cold that weekend but all of my Covid tests were negative too. So by the following week, we were ready to get out and went out to eat and watched a band after softball practice. That was probably our fun highlight. 😉
The DAY Katie got out of quarantine poor Matt tested positive for the 1st time. He had a pretty rough time and his temp got up to 103.6 at one point. He and I were both very concerned he would end up in the hospital, but luckily it turned around. We were discussing what the benchmarks would be and what our plan would be though if he needed to go. He has been home since Wednesday and was super disappointed he was not sitting in a dove field this weekend like he has every year I’ve know him.
But we are glad he is getting better without needing to go to the doctor. Katie was a good little nurse and stayed home with him on the days I went to work. And all of the animals have not minded that there’s been someone here at all times the last two weeks. We did have a tragedy with the chickens though. We were starting to get them acclimated to going outside, because it is almost time, and we lost two to a hawk in the few hours they were out there. Our neighbors have let their’s free range during the day for over a year and never had an issue, and we were checking on them every 30 minutes. Just our luck and we are now working on a cover to the chicken yard.
We lost the two black ones. (Dolly and Eileen) but today, Matt was feeling a little stir crazy and decided to ride up to the camp to check his cameras, and the girls and I decided to go shopping. Lillian wanted some new clothes and we had to stop by tractor supply for brooder bedding. We had no plans for more babies yet, but they were too cute so we came home with Shania and Miranda
Here we go again!! 🤣
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