Twas the Week Before Christmas

We have had a busy week since that meet last Saturday. It sure feels like that was more than 7 days ago.

Matt and Lilli jumped in the truck when we got home and headed straight to the camp to hunt the next morning. It was a big day, because Lillian got her first birds in the air.

On Monday, she and Matt went to get measured for her new gun that was in too. She’s becoming a real hunter. 

Sunday night was our annual Christmas in Roseland lights with Cara, Luke and Josie. We had an early dinner and saw the lights together. I love this tradition, and you’re never too old to tell Santa what you want for Christmas!

On Tuesday, we drove down to Baton Rouge to have a quick family dinner and say bye to Daniel and Anna and give them their gifts. They left Wednesday morning to spend Christmas with their family in England. Luke couldn’t go, so they traveled alone and one of Luke’s friends picked them up to get them from London to South Hampton to their grandmother’s house

On Wednesday we visited Nana, and went to a movie, before going to Jimmy and Theresa’s for chili and to see more lights after 

On Thursday, we met my high school best friend, Kim, at the aquarium in the mall and had lunch with her. I’ve only seen her once in the last 6 or 7 years, but after my birthday we decided to make more of an effort. This was the first time I’d been to Baton Rouge with any free time since then though. 

She has a 3 and 5 year old that I had never met and it was really good to get to catch up. 

We went straight from lunch to a cookie decorating contest at Nana’s place. She always loves for her friends to meet the kids, but I forget sometimes that me and Jen are “kids” to her too. She talked about us just as much. ❤️

On Friday, Matt and Ryan went hunting in the frigid weather (20° in Baton Rouge and 9° in Bossier!)

While I took the kids to see Nana again, and got a nice surprise when Jimmy, Morgan, Matt and Lyla were there too.

That night was our first family Christmas. Everyone came over from 4:00-7:00 (early because young and old like to get home early). We had tons of food and desserts, open gifts, and played a game of Christmas jeopardy, complete with prizes, that was very funny. 

We were up at 4:45 this morning to get on the road to go home. We needed some time to let the dogs run before putting them back in the kennel for the day because we have Grace and Saint for 2.5 weeks while Dad and Janet are in Australia and New Zealand. 

A little before noon, we left for Vivian for the 2nd family Christmas. We ate a delicious meal, the kids rode the golf cart and played, while the adults visited. We got some great family pics

And of course their were presents! Yaya and Capn are always so generous and we appreciate them so much! 

We left around 5:30 because we were all exhausted from the long day. I had had a runny nose that I figured was from the cold weather, and bodyaches that I thought was just from complete exhaustion from not sleeping much and being on the road at 5:30. Turns out I was wrong and I’ve come down with something 

I’m praying so hard that I didn’t get anyone sick and that I feel a little better tomorrow so that I can enjoy the day more. No matter what, it will still be special. Merry Christmas to me! 😉


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