State Gymnastics Meet and Scholarship Presentation

It was a BIG weekend down in Baton Rouge for the McCormick and Craig families. We left at 6:30 Friday morning to make it to the Kathy Craig Scholarship Presentation at Scotlandville High School. I was excited to be able to be there and it was an honor to meet this year’s recipient. She will start LSU in the fall to major in civil engineering 

I hope we didn’t overwhelm the poor girl with almost a dozen family members there, but she had a pretty good crowd of support too. We are glad to be able to help her with some things that TOPS won’t cover this first semester and I know my Mom would love the way we’ve chosen to honor her memory.

We all went to lunch after and then went back to Dad’s for naps. Matt, the girls and I went to watch Piper’s horse riding lesson Friday evening before going back to Pops and Honey’s for pizza, swimming, the baseball game and a cousin sleepover. 

Saturday morning the girls baked bread at the church with Pops. There is a group going down to St. Marks church in the French quarter to bring a meal to the homeless and he was donating 40 loaves. Matt and I went to visit Nana while they did that.

Saturday night was Kathleen’s birthday dinner and the whole family got together again for fajitas and chocolate sheet cake at Jen’s.

We were back at Dad’s about 7:00 because alarms were going off before 5:00AM to make it to New Orleans for the State gymnastics meet today. Kathleen was excited but got nervous as we got there. Those nerves weren’t necessary though because she rocked it! 

She placed in every event and won 2nd overall. And she’s the state champion in vault in her age division! We may get frustrated at the lack of communication by her gym, but her coaches do care and pray with them before every meet

I love the friends she has made and watching the love she has had for this sport since she was 2 years old. 

Congratulations Kathleen!

And now that we are back home. We are gearing up for Lilli’s LEAP testing week and the end of school. Only 14 days left! We are ready for summer and swimming season and having time to do even more riding and gymnastics. 

Lilli got some good news herself this weekend. She made it into the BPSTIL program and will spend half of her day at a separate school taking AgScience classes next year.

Her best friend got in too for business classes, but they will ride the bus and have a core class together so they are excited! It was a big weekend all around! 


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