Cousin Weekend- Lilli’s Last Hunt of the Season

Several weeks ago, Matt called Ryan and invited him to come up with the girls to go duck hunting. No one knew we would be dealing with the frozen temperatures we ended up having last week, but they still came, and we still had a great time.

Everything was too frozen to get up and go first thing, so we slept in on Saturday morning and had some breakfast. Once everyone was full, the girls bundled up for their 25° four wheeler riding, and Matt and Ryan went to scout ducks.🦆 

They all rode around for a couple of hours, but me and the dogs were the only sane ones who stayed in the house. I stayed in my pjs all day! They came in to warm up and dry off for a hour or so before the hunt, and left again about 1 o’clock.

It was Lilli’s last one of the season because she will be at a church retreat this coming weekend. Piper had her first “assist” and they had fun being in the blind together. They were out for four or five hours, but me and Anna stayed at the house, watching TV, napping, and enjoying the heater

Ryan brought Boudin king cake from Pork City in Baton Rouge, and that ended up being plenty of dinner after the snack tray I had put out when they got in.

The evening was spent curled up in the living room together, just vegging out and catching up. it was a perfect cousin weekend even though it wasn’t long enough. We feel so lucky we’ve been able to see them so much lately. ❤️


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