Bar-J and More Baseball
For Christmas last year, Pops and Honey gave his 3 daughters and 4 granddaughters a weekend at a “dude ranch” for a gift. We picked the weekend because it was Anna and Piper’s spring break and it’s harder for Anna to miss school as a Junior than the other 3. The weather couldn’t have been anymore perfect and the timing worked out perfectly for us to celebrate Allie’s 40th birthday on the 4th too. They came in Thursday and Matt grilled steaks for her actual bday. I didn’t get one picture that night but it was a nice evening. The next morning, we got up and drove to El Dorado to the ranch. It was the “rancher’s experience” and we got in 3 rides, plus the kids got to help care for all the animals
Dad has his own cabin and all 7 girls were in a bunk room together. After we were settled, we went to catch the horses in a field to take them to the stable to be saddled
The wranglers were very patient considering there were 8 of us and none knew how to help very much. But there was lots of time to love on the horses while they got them saddled 

I’m pretty convinced we need horses now 🤣

They were heartbroken to lose the championship in extra innings, but they were fun games.

It was pretty cool to see!
Dad has his own cabin and all 7 girls were in a bunk room together. After we were settled, we went to catch the horses in a field to take them to the stable to be saddled
We all said it was pretty much like the deer camp with horses. We hung around visiting, going for walks and enjoying the scenery. They cooked us 3 meals a day and we sat around a fire at night.

But of course the highlight of the weekend was the riding. We went on about an hour ride both afternoons and a 30 minute one Saturday morning. Plus, they could play on the arena as much as they wanted after each one
But of course the highlight of the weekend was the riding. We went on about an hour ride both afternoons and a 30 minute one Saturday morning. Plus, they could play on the arena as much as they wanted after each one
I’m pretty convinced we need horses now 🤣
The girls and I left about an hour before the other group on Sunday to make it back for the 2nd day of Koy’s baseball tournament. They had won all the games on Saturday so it was a full day Sunday too
We left Arkansas one day too early though because the ranch was in the line of totality for the eclipse. We still got 98% at home and Matt came home to watch with me and Katie’s whole school got to go out. Lillian’s teacher let her out for a minute too
It was pretty cool to see!
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