
We’ve been busy around here lately. Teal season started last weekend and the girls have spent both with Matt at the camp. I’ve had quite a bit of work to do to catch up on things for school and have stayed home. The second picture is Kathleen being mad at me for being at school early, yet again. I was naïve to think I’d be able to get most of my stuff done during planning, and with the girls having stuff five nights a week, the extra work has been falling on early mornings and weekends. I’m exhausted! But at least I love the kids.

Lillian’s still loving horseback riding, even though this horse that she loves bucked her off the other day. Thankfully, she didn’t even bruise, but it was enough to scare me for a second.

Not nearly as much as practicing driving is going to though! 

Kathleen did get a fun day at school Friday when she had an obstacle course for the money she raised for her fundraiser and Yaya checked her out to go to lunch 

And Lillian has been busy with homecoming planning. Koy officially asked her last weekend with a “Tangled”  theme HOCO proposal. For those of you that don’t know, asking a girl to dance is no longer just walking up and asking, It’s become a whole production. There were bagged lanterns, and a wishing lantern that you light and let go (like the movie), a poster and flowers. The whole family was there.

Almost all of her friends had already been asked, and she thought he wasn’t going to do it since they’re dating, but he had put a lot of thought into it and waited until they had officially been together for one year. 
We did a mini photo shoot at Vivette’s with “her” horse this evening in their homecoming outfits. She really wanted the pics but didn’t want to smell like a horse on the actual day, lol. 

They turned out so cute! And I actually kinda like the boots with the dress. 😉 they’ll have so much fun in a couple of weeks! 


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