I texted Yaya on Thursday and asked if Lilli and I could coming swimming the next day. They have the most beautiful pool and I don't take advantage of it near often enough. Since Lilli's Daddy was going to be staying at the deer camp to work on Saturday, they suggested we just spend the night too. That sounded like a fabulous idea to me so, Friday afternoon, we headed that way. Of course the first thing we did (after Lilli ate a piece of cake she spotted on the table) was change in to our swim suits to spend the afternoon in the pool. We stayed in from the time we got there until Lilli was ready for dinner. She was a tired little girl by the time she got in bed.
Cap'n and Yaya have a tradition of grilling steaks on Friday nights. I have no idea how long they've been doing it but I was excited I was fortunate enough to be invited this week.
I guarantee you that Lilli's Daddy is going to be PRETTY jealous when he sees this pic. We enjoyed a VERY good meal after Lilli went to bed and it was nice to be able sit around and have a glass of wine and talk too.
It was raining when everyone got up this morning so Cap'n went outside and dried the chairs and pulled them under the cover so we could all go out and enjoy it. "Yaya's birds" (as Lilli calls the hummingbirds) were hungry so she helped them fill up the feeders. They came right up to it with them standing there. I love all the memories that she's making with her grandparents.
Jackson "protecting" us from that bird across the river.
He growled at it the whole time it was there. |
Cap'n and Lilli's footprints |
Watching the birds
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