Snow Day 2021

The first snow day I remember since living here was when Lillian was tiny. So small my parents hadn’t even left after her birth. And then we had one again when she was 5. I remember that one because Bella was a small puppy and Katie was not quite 2 and absolutely hated it. She cried the second we took her out, so she and I stayed in. In 2018, we had that really good one at the camp and Lillian remembers that but Katie doesn’t. So this will probably be the first snow day they will both always remember.  They have been forecasting it all week but we didn’t say anything to the kids about having enough to stick in case it didn’t happen, so when the snow started falling yesterday afternoon they were excited enough for this. 

Just enough to catch on their mouths and make a couple of snow balls. They went to bed thinking we were going to get up and do schoolwork before any playing could happen if there was anything on the ground. So they were VERY excited this morning when I said it’s a snow day and we are off! It’s been a long year for everyone and they deserved the day of playing with Mom and Dad with no other cares in the world. And I’m super thankful for a husband that will always take the time to make these memories with us. He had to go to work after but didn’t rush through it. We played until their fingers were so cold that they couldn’t do it anymore. 

The morning was quiet and beautiful before the rest of the family woke up. I went out to get a few pictures of the undisturbed snow

It hit me again just how much I love this house. ❤️ By 7:30, everyone was getting dressed to go play. We knew we wouldn’t have very long before it started to melt so we had to get out there and get going. The kids made snow angels while Matt got the sled hooked up 

And then we rode around the field behind our house for 30 or 45 minutes when them laughing and freezing the whole time

We had never walked across so we had no idea there were cows that lived back there. The girls wanted to pet them but they were a little too skittish. 

One of the things that shocked me the most about the day, is that our puppy who is pretty much scared of life😉, loved the snow.

She ran around and played. The girls also jumped on the snow covered trampoline, we all threw snowballs at each other, and built a snowman

We decided he looks mad because he was built with snow that was already starting to melt and Gypsy kept eating his arms. 😂 We had about 2 1/2 hours of playing, and by the time we came in it was starting to melt. Which was enough for me because it took two loads of laundry and 30 minutes of mopping just to clean up from the morning. I don’t know how anyone up north keeps their house clean but Katie‘s response was they probably don’t. It was a fun day but enough to tide me over for at least a year. 


  1. This makes my heart so happy!!! Every second spent out there with them will become a memory that they will never forget!! All of these pics lets me re-live our snow times with their daddy!!


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