Catch up from the rest of the month
Since this will be made in to a book at the end of the year, I decided I needed to catch up on what else went on this month. On January 15th we had a Birthday party in Baton Rouge for Lilli. That is where most of my side of the family lives and I wanted her to be able to play with her cousins. It was an art party. We spent the afternoon decorating cookies, coloring a play house and just enjoying time with each other. It was my first attempt at a kid party and I think it went pretty well if I do say so myself.
Lilli also got a "big girl" bed for her birthday. I thought it was going to be a hard transition but she slept through the night the first night. She really loves it. I think it helped that I let her pick out her new bedspread that she got as a gift from her great grandma, aunts and cousin.
I took this picture after she went to sleep. She looked so little in it to me.
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