2012 Barksdale Air Force Show

I have lived in Bossier City for 5 years now and have always wanted to go to the Air Force Show.  Every year something else had been going on so I was excited when I realized it was this weekend. It's definitely something to see!  We knew it was a big deal but had no idea just how big until today.  We left the house about 1:30 and finally parked the car at a little after 3.  Then we had about a mile walk to where the air show was going on.  At one point Matt looked at me and said "you know I really love you right?" Haha, I know he does. :) We heard there were around 100,000 people there so he wouldn't have normally suggested to spend the day in that kind of traffic and crowd but I think he was glad we went. 

Lilli was really excited about it but did get a little scared when they flew over us.  It got really loud!

Matt introduced her to funnel cake

The weather was perfect to spend the afternoon outside with our family.  We thought the show was really amazing and will definitely be back.  Especially since the way home wasn't so bad.  From getting in the car to pulling in the driveway took 25 minutes.  Not quite sure how that happened but we weren't complaining.

We met Cara and Luke for dinner at Crawfish Palace.  The food was really good and the company even better.  She normally has to work on Saturday nights so I was glad to get to see her on a weekend.  All in all a wonderful Saturday. 


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