Mini Me!

This first picture is of me at 2 years old holding my little sister (notice the teddy bear).  This 2nd picture is of Lilli today.  She also has a "Teddy." It is not the same one that was my favorite as a child but it is about 30 years old.  Everyone always tells me she looks just like me but I can really see it today.

And here is a picture of her in the backyard today.  I did not ask her to pose for this.  The other is me and Matt in Mexico last year.  Anyone that knows us well knows that Matt and I are definitely beach people.  We can sit in a chair looking at the ocean all day and not get bored.  Looks like she's a child after our own heart! Really looking forward to our beach vacation in a month! 


  1. OMG Amy!!! she is a spitting image of you!! We always knew this but WOW!!! Love that lil girl so much! love you too! :)


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