Mama and Lilli Weekend

Matt is at the deer camp this weekend but Lilli and I decided to spend it at home.  It's been kind of a long week and I've been exhausted.  My grandmother (Dad's Mom) passed away on Monday so we left early Tuesday to go to Baton Rouge to be with my Dad and didn't get back until Thursday.  She was 95 and her health had been declining for a while now so it was a blessing when she went.  Her quality of life was very poor.  She and my Dad were close and we will all miss her but I know she is in a better place.  It was also a blessing it happened when it did.  My Dad left yesterday for a month long European tour that he's had planned for a long time.  I know it would have been too hard on him if he would have gotten the call when he was there so I am grateful he got to say his goodbyes and leave for this amazing trip.

Friday was a busy day.  We are having a garage sale next weekend so I spent the whole day cleaning out the garage and then the rest of the house to get cleaned up and decide what I wanted to sell.  By the end of the day I was worn out so Lilli and I stayed in and watched a movie together and ate frozen pizzas.  I love those Friday nights.  Today was pretty relaxed.  We have been trying to meet up with Cassie and Lily ever since she started her new school but things keep coming up.  We had planned to walk and let the girls play at the park this morning but the weather had other ideas.  We decided rain wasn't going to stop us from getting together though so we walked the mall.  I haven't done that since I was about 8 and would go with Nana and Papa when I would visit them in Alexandria.  The girls talked while we walked and talked and then we let them play for a little bit.  Nothing was open yet so there were very few people and not a lot they could get in to.

After lunch and a nap we headed to the Boardwalk to go see Finding Nemo  "on the big, big screen."  Lilli has probably seen this movie 100 times.  When she was a year old Matt introduced it to her and we watched it everyday (sometimes twice) for months.  This was before she discovered Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. :)  It's been a while since we watched it so when she saw the commercial she said "I want to go see Nemo on the big, big screen and eat popcorn!" So that's exactly what we did.
You have to excuse the picture quality.  I'm stuck in the
dark ages with the iPhone 3 and my camera doesn't have a flash. haha
It was a perfect day to spend together.  We haven't had much time just me and her lately so I enjoyed every minute of it. 


  1. Arent those the best weekends! I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. And I will be saying prayers that your dad has an amazing time!! He deserves it! love ya'll!!


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