Crazy Christmas Break and Celebrating Katie Jane

Life is going back to normal today after a crazy couple of weeks.  We are finally home with no plans to go out of town in the near future.  Out of the last 15 nights we have only been at home for 6 and those weren't all in a row.  We spent a night in Vivian for Christmas, made two trips to Baton Rouge for a total of 6 nights and spent 2 nights at the hunting camp for New Years.  In between the first Baton Rouge trip and New Years at the camp Lilli had surgery to have a birthmark removed so part of our time at home was for her recovery.
She got very silly after they gave her medicine to relax.  Matt and I
were laughing so hard.  She didn't even look back when they rolled her
to surgery.
She handled it so much better than any of us adults would have.  She was jumping on a trampoline 2 days later.  The pathology report came back yesterday too and everything was benign so now this Mama can rest easy.

We just got back from our 2nd three night trip to Baton Rouge yesterday.  My family from Texas that didn't make it in for Christmas was there and they also threw a shower to celebrate Katie Jane.  We got in on Thursday and the chaos started! There were six kids and five of them were old enough to run around and play together.  Chance is only 7 months but he'll be right there with them in the next year or so.  Dad cooked spaghetti for everyone that night and we had a great evening.

Friday we took all of the kids to Bouncing Tigers for some fun that morning before we went to lunch at Casa Maria.  We met Matt at Dad's when he got in and then headed back to Jen and Ryan's house to let the kids play some more.  All of the kids great aunts, uncles and grandparents helped us parents out that night so that the cousins could go out to eat without the kids tagging along.  It was crazy crowded but so nice to have a chance to have some drinks (well, of course I was DD) and catch up.
Anna, Lilli, Drew and Daniel

Saturday morning was the shower and I can't thank everyone enough for it.  I told them it wasn't necessary since we have most things we NEED although there are definitely things we want.  Of course they weren't going to let Katie come without some sort of celebration and my family never misses an excuse to get together for a party.  It was only family but there were 24 of us.  We had a delicious brunch and then we got to open our gifts.  It was a "gift card" shower because most of the things we want are larger items so this way we can just put them together for what we want.  I can't wait to start shopping and working on the nursery this week!

Allie decorated part of the dessert with her initials for us


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