Happy New Year!

I'm a day late writing this post but I hope everyone had as great of a New Year celebration as we did.  It has gotten a lot more low key over the years but getting to watch my daughter experience some of these things for the first time is so much better than the late night parties ever were.  Our tradition the last few years has been to spend New Years Eve at the deer camp.  It's great place to pop fireworks with lots of room for anyone that wants to join and Matt gets to hunt in the morning.  Works out for everyone. This year it was me, Matt, Lilli, Shanon and Alex on Sunday night and Yaya and Cap'n came up and joined us for Monday.  Lilli's New Years Eve was spent picking cabbage for lunch the next day,
watching us shoot,

playing for hours with "Uncle Shanny,"

She went to bed and we watched the LSU game (that I won't talk about), ate
it's a good meal when 2 things on your plate are wrapped in bacon
and then popped fireworks.  We were all in bed by about 12:15. :)

The next morning all of the guys got up and had a great hunt.  Nice way to start the New Year! We ate our lunch of cabbage and black eye peas for money and luck and then Lilli helped clean the ducks.  Her hands were completely covered in blood by time she was done but she had her first real lesson.

She'll be able to do it on her own in a few years I'm sure.  Makes her Daddy so proud!


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