Happy Birthday Lillian Leigh!

I can't believe my "baby" is three years old today! Time really flies.  We had a great day of celebrating.  Matt went to work about an hour late so that he could see her when she got up and we could give her a present together.  She always loves it when Daddy is here in the morning so that was a great way for the day to start.  After her 3 year old check up at the doc (which she didn't mind, no shots and they gave her a cupcake) we met Yaya and Cara at Ta Molly's for some lunch.  The waiters sang to her and gave her a sopapilla so that was fun for her too.

She and I went to see Wreck It Ralph in theaters this afternoon.  When I asked what she wanted to do for her birthday she said "go to the movies and eat popcorn" so that's what we did. 

After that we met Daddy back at the house for ANOTHER meal.  We went to Horseshoe Casino and ate the seafood buffet.  Matt and I love going there and it was a perfect birthday meal for her too.  Cheese pizza and fried shrimp and then strawberry cake, vanilla ice cream with sprinkles and cotton candy for dessert! I think any 3 year old would approve of that meal. :)

I also saw on pinterest last night a interview to do with your child on their birthday so I thought I would try it.  Some of her answers were expected but some were surprises to me.  It will be interested to see how they change over the years if I can remember to do it.

1. What is your favorite color? Blue
2. What is your favorite toy? Horses (this is what Matt and I gave her today, a set of ponies where you can style their hair so that may have influenced the answer)
3. What is your favorite fruit? blueberries
4. What is your favorite tv show? Doc McStuffins (I was expecting Mickey Mouse Clubhouse)
5. What is your favorite lunch? sandwiches (I expected chicken nuggets and french fries)
6. What is your favorite outfit? Her "Daddy's Girl Forever" shirt (they she happened to be wearing today, lol)
7. What is your favorite game? Chasing Daddy around
8. What is your favorite snack? Cheddar bunnies
9. What is your favorite song? Row, row, row your boat (she first said she didn't know but I named a few and she picked that one)
10. What is your favorite animal? horses (see, we need one Matt :) )
11. What is your favorite book? Jesus Loves Me (I expected Berenstein Bears)
12. Who is your best friend? Mama (when I asked who was next trying to get her to name a kid she said Daddy and then Jackson (the dog) )
13. What is your favorite cereal? raisin bran
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? blow bubbles
15. What is your favorite drink? chocolate milk
16. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
17. What do you like to have in bed with you at night? Molly, Teddy and Moo Moo (not surprising, Moo Moo-the cow- is less than 6 months old but Molly and Teddy have been around since before she could talk or walk)
18. What is your favorite breakfast? cereal
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? cupcakes! haha
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? A doctor

It's amazing how much they change in a year.  Last year there is no way she could have done that interview. Happy Birthday my sweet Lilli.  Looking forward to our next great year!


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