Lilli and Matt's Garden!

After seeing the garden at the deer camp, Lilli and Matt decided that they needed one at home too. So yesterday evening they worked together and got it planted. In a couple of months we will have tomatoes, bell peppers, squash, zucchini, strawberries, basil and cilantro growing in our yard! I am very excited to watch then do this together and to have the fresh produce. Such a good thing for Daddy and daughter to do together. I remember my Dad's garden in our first house in Baton Rouge when I wasn't much older than her. I'm sure these are memories she will have forever too.


  1. Oh now that is toooooo cute!!! You're right....will be so much fun for the 3 of ya'll to watch "as your garden grows"!! You can bet she'll be checking it every single day!!!


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