More from Katie Jane's Birthday

We went in to the hospital at 5:00 am on Friday to get ready for the C-section that was scheduled for 7:30.  Yaya, Pops and GranJan were all there before they wheeled me back to the surgery room and by the time we came out Cap'n, Chad, and Josh had all gotten there as well. 

I really liked that this hospital let me get some time with her even while I was still in surgery.  Matt took her to a room right next to us and watched her be weighed and measured and then brought her to me.  That didn't get to happen with Lilli.  Everyone else saw her before I did so it was even more special that I got this time before we got back to the room.

Everyone got to get a peek at her once we were back in before I tried to nurse.  I thought it was so cool that they were all in the room waiting for us when we got done.  Around 11:00 Nana and Lizard got there with Lilli and it was so special to see her see her sister for the first time.  Matt and I had been nervous about how she was going to react to having another kid in the house but she loved her from the second she saw her too.  At one point that day Matt had taken her to the potty and Katie started to cry. Matt laughed because she got done as quick as she could and said "Ah! She needs me!" They are going to be the best of friends. 



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