Had fun but good to be home

We had a great afternoon yesterday with just the 4 of us in our quiet house. We were home by noon and relaxed in the living room all day. Lilli and Katie both napped a lot for us and we got caught up on some of our shows we missed. It's funny that you can always use a vacation when you get back from vacation. 

Our last couple of days there were as nice as the beginning of the week. On Friday we went for a long boat ride to explore the lake and have a picnic. Then we found a swimming area to hang out at for a while. Lilli wouldn't get in the lake anywhere that she couldn't stand and Lake Hamilton didn't have many beaches so she really only swam a few days. 
By the time we got home and had dinner that evening everyone was worn out! 

Saturday we took the boat to lunch and went for a short ride and then spent the rest of the afternoon by the dock of our house. Go figure on the last afternoon Lilli decided it was fun to swim there. 

We spent the evening at the house where Matt grilled duck breasts and we watched a beautiful sunset (that I wish I would have gotten a picture of) and everyone got some time with Katie. 
It's going to be interesting this week to see if I can get her to nap without Nana's arms to sleep in. To say she got a little spoiled may be an understatement but I guess that's what grandmas are for. :)


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