Getting This Figured Out

As any parent knows, the first few months with a new baby can be hard.  You are going on little sleep and trying to get to know this new member of your family.  It's even more challenging when you add a toddler in there.  It's been getting easier over the course of the last month or so but I feel like yesterday we all had a good balance. Yesterday morning Matt watched the girls while I got to have a solo run and trip to Walmart. That may not sound very exciting but for someone with 2 kids around almost 24/7 that was one of the sweetest things he can do. :)

Midday was his turn for a quiet house while I took the girls to Ella's first birthday party. She has a huge water slide and baby pools set up for all the kids to have some fun in the sun.  Lilli had a blast and it's always good to see that part of the family. 
Then Saturday evening we split up and I took Lilli to see Turbo (or "the snail movie"). It was the first time Lilli and I had gone anywhere by ourselves since Katie was born. I thought she would jump on the mama time but it took some convincing to get her out of the house without her sister. We had fun but as soon as it was over she was ready to see Katie again. I'm thrilled she loves her so much but if she doesn't want to leave for a movie, I have a feeling starting preschool in a few weeks will be an adjustment. Matt and Katie met us after at Sushiko for a quick dinner. Yesterday really made us realize 2 kids is perfect for us. We can easily handle them both alone or we can split up for some one on one time and when we're all together we're not outnumbered. :) Love our family! 


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