Hot Springs so far

We've been having a great time in Hot Springs the last 3 days. After the guys got In from fishing on Tuesday we pretty much spent the afternoon hanging out in the lake until our delicious fish dinner. 
We did the same thing most of Wednesday. We just hung out by the house fishing and relaxing on the lake. Everyone had turns getting some Katie love too.

That night we all took the boat to a restaurant for a delicious seafood and steak meal. 
Thursday morning we got up and went to Lake Catherine State Park for a horseback ride and then to picnic and swim by the lake. 
If was Lilli's first time on a horse and I hadn't been since I was a kid so it was really fun. Nana, Matt and Katie decided riding wasn't for them so they just met us for the picnic. Katie got in the lake for the first time and I wish I had gotten pictures.

We were back at the house by 3 and then spent some more time in the lake before taking another boat ride to a pizza dinner. 
It's been a really relaxing couple of days with lots of laughs and love and I can't wait for the next two 


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