Matt Covered All His Bases

Matt has been hunting at the camp every weekend since the beginning of September and last weekend was probably the only one we will spend at home together until February. We had a full one but it was a lot of fun. Friday, Matt and I went out to Texas Street Steakhouse. Chris and Carissa were so sweet to offer to come sit out the house after the girls went to bed. Then Saturday he cooked ALL day so we could have our friends over for the LSU game. And Sunday he planned a perfect "family fun day." Now I'm really just giving him a hard time because he wanted to have all these plans and I know he had fun, but I'm sure it wasn't an accident to have date night, time with friends and fun with the kids right before hunting season starts. :) The girls and I thank him because it was just what we wanted. Lilli even said this morning that she had so much fun on her "no work days." 

Sunday was pretty much all about what Lilli wanted to do.  It started with pumpkin carving
If you think carving a pumpkin is hard, try doing it with a 3 year old watching thisclose

But they turned out great! 

Then we all went to Gators and Friends for the afternoon.  Lilli has always loved feeding the animals and even Katie liked it. I know she had no idea what she was looking at but she was very interested in all the animals. 

After we left we stopped by Home Depot to pick up cauliflower, cabbage and green onions so Lilli and Matt could plant their fall garden. 

It was a very full day but I don't think Lilli would have asked to do anything differently. 


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