Start of Deer Season

We went to the camp this weekend to spend it with Matt, Yaya and Cap'n.  Deer season opened and the weather was perfect to spend outside so we decided to go.  Lilli had too much fun:
swinging on the new swing Cap'n had built
hanging out with Matt and Luke while they did some shooting
going on rides with Yaya and Cap'n and exploring the deer stands
picking greens with Daddy and cooking them
cooking some Halloween treats with Yaya
They wore her out!
You may have noticed I wasn't really involved in any of this.  I got sick over the weekend so didn't really feel like leaving the house much and had no voice.  I'm sure it was a new experience for my in-laws to spend the weekend with me and not hear me.  I always say Lilli gets her constant talking honestly. :)  I pretty much stayed around the house with Katie.  We did sit outside some because they weather was too pretty not too but I didn't venture out much more than that.

her first bath in the "big girl" tub- she loved it!

I love this picture

No deer this time but we'll go back again next weekend.  Matt did get a hog and Lilli was so fascinated and wanted to hear all about the anatomy.  Daddy's girl! She definitely did not get that from me.  I don't even stay outside while he cleans usually but I'm so glad this is something they can do together.



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