Quiet Weekend at the Camp

We spent the weekend at the camp again so that Matt could deer hunt.  Cap'n was there Friday night and Saturday morning but the rest of the weekend it was only the 4 of us.  I'm sure Lilli wished that Cap'n would have stayed because Mom and Dad aren't nearly as much fun.  By 9:30 Saturday morning they had already had a handstand lesson

And gone for a tractor ride to "mow the garden for Daddy and haul some rocks for Uncle Josh." 

We can't compete with that. :) Matt did take her down to the garden to pick some greens for dinner 

But the rest of the afternoon was rainy so we pretty much layed around playing and watching movies.

Katie Jane was 6 months old yesterday and I think she's going to be crawling any day.  She can get across the room now but she pretty much gets up on all fours and falls forward.  Once she gets coordinated enough to move her arms at the same time she'll be gone! 

She's very proud of herself


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