Finally Feeling Better

It has been a long week! Me and both girls came down with a stomach virus last weekend that's had us out all week.  Our original plan while was to be in Baton Rouge for 3-4 nights while Matt was gone but instead we have have barely left the house.  Katie got it Sunday and by Monday Lilli and I had it too. I called my Dad in the middle of the night Monday and he was here at 11:00 the next day to help. Whatever it was was highly contagious because poor Pops caught it too (but luckily only lasted 24 hours for him) and Matt was sick the first 3 days of his trip.  We're staying in the house this weekend just to be sure we don't get anyone else sick but we're going a little stir crazy.  We're thankful for a backyard to play in and hopefully will be back to normal Monday. 


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