Lilli's First Sleepover (almost)

Last week Luke Causey was in the hospital with RSV for several days.  We were happy to help Dillon and Cassie with Lily some so that the could be up there together.  On Friday we knew that she would be here until almost bedtime and back on Saturday morning anyway so we decided to attempt a sleepover.  The girls had a blast playing together and snuggled up in bed with a movie happily at bedtime.  

Lilli fell asleep easily at around 8:00 but Lily was having a hard time falling asleep at a new place for the first time.  Around 9:30 she asked me to call Dillon and he came to get her.  Around 4:00 poor Lilli woke up with tear in her eyes so upset because Lily was "missing." If she hadn't been so serious I would have had to laugh but it only lasted a minute and she was back asleep.  Lilly was back around 8:00 the next morning and the fun resumed. 

We were happy to have her and the girls had a lot of fun over those 3 days.  I'm also happy to report that after 5 nights in the hospital, Luke was able to go home yesterday.  We hope he and his parents can get some much neede rest. :) 


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