My Little Scientist

Yesterday, Lilli, Katie and I went to Sci-port for "Wonderful Wednesday." The once a month special is such a good deal because it is definitely worth the $6 for us to get in.  Lilli asks to go probably once a week so I try to take her the first of every month.  If all you did was go look at the exhibits I think it might get a little repetitive to her but the staff there is so great and they really engage the kids.  Last time she made a worm compost and did some crafts to learn about constellations.  This time she made "ooey, gooey gloop," pet and learned about animals and helped to feed the baby alligators.  I bet a lot of 4 year olds haven't heard the words carnivore, herbivore, omnivore, nocturnal and venomous, let alone know how to use them correctly, but she really amazed the lady that was teaching them. She said she was her "little friend" and wants her to come play again soon so she gave us 4 free passes. We'll be back next week because I feel like I should really encourage this love of science. 


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