Allie's Birthday Weekend

It's become a tradition for Allie to spend her birthday weekend in Arkansas at the deer camp.  She loves to come up to have a few drinks, catch and cook crawfish, ride around the property and just relax. (Who doesn't!) It hasn't gotten warm enough to actually catch crawfish yet this year but that didn't stop them from trying so they could get the "full experience." This year she brought her boyfriend, Derrick and two of their friends, Joe and Shana with her.  These are not the kinds of things this group is used the doing on the weekends but they all had a blast! 
                 Lilli couldn't get enough of "Lala" and Derrick. I barely saw her. 

It was Derricks birthday too- they're 5 days apart

As usual we had WAY too much food planned.  We were going to boil shrimp Saturday but we ate a ridiculous amount of Matt's wings mid afternoon, plus we'd had a "few" too many of those drinks and didn't feel messing with it. So instead of choosing one meal to cook Sunday, we did both. 6 pounds of shrimp, corn, potatoes, mushrooms, and smoked chicken and black buck. It was a delicious birthday meal and perfect way to end their trip. 


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