Easter Weekend

We spent Saturday at the lake with the whole family to celebrate Easter.  Lilli told me before we left to pack her bathing suit because she was ready to swim. I told her it would have to wait another month or so because it was still too cold.  Well... That didn't stop her!

After everyone was dried off and warmed up, it was time for the first egg hunt of the weekend. Even Katie got a few. 

Once Josh, Hailey and Case got there we all piled in the boat for a ride.  It was Katie's first one and she loved it! 

All the kids except Katie fell asleep at some point

Easter morning we were all up VERY early to see what the Easter bunny brought.  They all got some good stuff and had fun digging through their baskets.  He even ate the carrots they left out for him so that was very exciting! 

After breakfast we all got ready to go to church. Lilli and I have been reading a book called "The Best Thing About Easter."  She said it was fun be with family and to get dressed up but the best thing about Easter is that Jesus is Alive! Sometimes the kids are the smartest ones. :) 


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