Last weekend

I've got some catching up to do on my blog.  We had a bad storm last Sunday and we haven't had any internet since.  I'm in Baton Rouge today so taking advantage of having it here.  

Last weekend Lilli woke up with 103 temp on Saturday morning.  She'd been complaining about her ears and throat for a few days so we went to the doctor.  It turns out she had strep but that didn't slow her down.  She got a shot and had a nap and woke up ready to help Matt with his garden. 

They planted zucchini, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers.  I'll be curious to how accurate that is because I just asked her to list them a week later.  

On Sunday we got up and went to church but then stayed in the rest of the day because of that storm.  Lighting hit somewhere so close it made our hair stand up and I'm pretty sure that's what happened to our internet. That evening we went to church for the annual crawfish boil and Easter egg hunt.  We didn't know until about 30 min before if we'd be able to go because our road was so flooded most of the afternoon.  I'm glad we did because Lilli had the best time. 


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