Preschool Graduation

Lilli's preschool graduation was yesterday morning and me, Matt, Katie and Yaya were all there.  I'm not quite sure why they "graduated" since they still have another year at First Friends but the program was really cute.  They sang several songs and then each teacher passed out diplomas.  Lilli was very excited we were all there to watch. 

We all went back to her classroom for cake and Mrs. Jill had made a binder of all the art work each kid had done to give to the parents.  It was neat to see how she had progressed through the year but these were the funniest pages. 

I laughed and laughed at this.  Too funny how the kids see us. Can't remember the last nap I had but I guess she does hear me say I'd just love to be able to sit down and take a nap pretty often. :) 

After lunch with Yaya we did go home to let Katie take a nap while Lilli and I played outside.  When she woke up we finished off the day with a run to the park to let them play in the water.  Katie was pretty hesitant at first but she was running all over with Lilli after awhile. 


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