The Last Few Days

The weather was beautiful last week so we spent some time at the park.  We had a picnic two different days and did a lot of playing. Now that Katie is walking, it's a lot of fun for her and she and Lilli can play more together. 

Friday evening was kind of bittersweet.  Chris and Carissa moved to Corpus Christi on Saturday and Matt, Lilli and I went by their apartment after dinner to say goodbye.  On one hand I am very happy that they are moving to a city and job I think they will enjoy more than they did here. But on the other hand, we're going to miss our friends. 

Saturday morning I had a garage sale that was a total bust! :) I'm not sure if I didn't advertise well enough or if it was just bad luck but I only had about 6 people come by. I was surprised because there were 4 in the neighborhood and I know they passed my signs on the way to others. I guess no one needed baby stuff. Oh well, I'll try again in a few weeks and it was nice that Dad came to help.  He sat outside with me and we got to visit for several hours without many kid distractions so that made it worth it. 

Matt was inside with a sick Katie the whole time. She ran fever starting Friday night through today and was really pitiful. It's so hard when they can't tell you what's wrong. 

Sunday afternoon Lilli and I went to Luke Causey's first birthday party.  It was tractor themed and Cassie had everything set up really cute.  Lilli had a great time and I was so glad we could celebrate with him.  

Katie and Matt stayed home because we didn't want to get anyone sick.  Little did I know it wouldn't have mattered because the second we got in the car to come home Lilli told me her throat hurt.  I checked her temp when we walked in the door and it was 102.7! I asked why she didn't tell me she felt bad and her reply was "I didn't feel bad there, it was fun." Kids!! I feel bad and hope we didnt get everyone sick. I guess we'll be at the doctor with both of them tomorrow. 


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